Saturday 15 September 2007

Blogging virgin...


I don't really know how these things work - am I talking to myself or am I talking to an audience? I mean, is anyone really going to read this?

I hope not in a way because my family would probably kill me if they knew I was writing an online diary - I remember when my mum found my paper diary when I was fifteen and it was full of adolescent whinings about Stephen Roberts ( a bloke that I has a humungous crush on at the time...) and she went absolutely mental.

I think it scares people when they read their own thoughts in other people's words - afterall, we all have weird (and sometimes quite sick and dirty) thoughts from time to time - we just always try to repress them, instead of just accepting them for what they are - thoughts.

I mean I might have a fantasy that I would like to shag my new boss on the counter top of the banking hall (I have started my first job after A-levels in a bank by the way) in front of all the fuddy-duddy customers but it doesn't mean that I act on it!

Anyway, I feel that I am brimming over with stuff to say about things, stuff that I need to sort out in my head and, like my mum, I like to write things down in a kind of ORDER.

So, (in full GCSE Technology style) here is my BRIEF for this blog:

1) I would like to write about my new job (not anything specific of course - I have read about people who get into DEEP trouble for doing that)

2) I would like to write this blog just for the sake of it, just to keep writing (I don't want my A-Level in English Lang / Lit to go to waste)

3) I want to chart my progress in what I call OPERATION CHERRY...

More about that in another blog, after all, we have only just met each other!

Just a bit of background about me, I'm 19, I live with my parents, have just started a new job, I'm 5' 5" with bottle brunette hair (my real hair colour is a kind of dirty blonde and believe me, they do not have more fun) and brown eyes, I am slimmish (although I HATE my thighs) and I am among the lucky / unlucky few who might be called 'top heavy'. An inconvenience I call it, but I suppose it is a blessing. I would like to be a writer, but everything that I write at the moment is complete rubbish - this blog is just something silly that might inspire me into writing more.

Anyway, this felt good, I think that I will enjoy this blog!

I had better go downstairs and be sociable I suppose, I said that I was going upstairs to work on my CV!

Take care,

Susan x :) x

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